
Altar Guild: We need more volunteers for Faith’s Altar Guild. New folks will serve 2 or 3 non-consecutive months during the year along with an experienced member. Time required during your assigned months is about a half-hour on Saturday for setup, and then about half an hour cleaning up after the worship service. Please prayerfully consider adding your service to this important ministry. Contact Altar Guild Chair Carol at ctschudy@aol.com for more information.

Assisting Ministers and Lectors: Although we continue to rely on our current Lectors and Assisting Ministers, we are looking for new people who would like to get involved. Those who have been Assisting Ministers and Lectors have found it to be a most fulfilling role. In September we will offer a group training session for any who are interested in taking on the role of Assisting Minister (no special training is required to be the Lector). The date and time will be determined by those participating. Molly coordinates the scheduling of Assisting Ministers and Lectors. If interested, please see the sign up sheets located on the bulletin board in the coffee area of the Fellowship Hall. To contact Molly, email molly@flcva.org.

Communion Ministers: For the past several years, Sally has volunteered to assign the Communion Ministers for each Sunday’s Worship Service. If you would like to be a part of this important ministry, please contact Sally at arasonroscoe@aol.com.

Chancel Choir: Choir sings at the 11:00 a.m. worship. If you have any questions, please contact our Director of Music and Worship, Darrell Partin: Darrell@flcva.org.

Musicians Needed!! Whether you are a singer or instrumentalist, whether you enjoy making music with a group or being a soloist, whether you enjoy classical music or contemporary Christian rock, there is a place for you in the music ministry here at Faith Lutheran. We need singers for both the traditional choir as well as for the contemporary praise team, instrumentalists for occasional prelude and offertories, rhythm players for the new contemporary worship service, and singers not afraid to step out alone and sing a solo at any of our services. If you have any interest in being involved with the music here at Faith Lutheran, please let me know either after one of the services, or by sending me an email at Darrell@flcva.org.

Your Worship & Music Director, Darrell Partin.

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