Arlington Food Assistance Center

Faith continues to provide canned goods and non-perishable foods to Arlington Food Assistance Center.

Gardeners Needed to Help Feed Arlington’s Needy

The Arlington Food Assistance Center (AFAC) each year asks local gardeners to grow fruits and vegetables to help the hungry in Arlington. AFAC – the largest food pantry in Arlington — provides free seeds to those gardeners willing to donate all or a portion of what they grow. 2008 was the second in AFACs local effort to obtain more fresh produce for the families it serves. It is part of the national Plant A Row for the Hungry program in which gardeners are urged to donate a portion of their vegetables and fruits to local food pantries such as AFAC. “Last year [2007] we received more than 34,000 pounds of fresh produce,” said Puwen Lee, the AFAC staff member who coordinates the Plant A Row effort. “We hope the enthusiasm and generosity of local gardeners will bring in even more produce this summer.” AFAC Executive Director Christine Lucas noted that almost 800 needy families come to AFAC each week for free supplemental groceries. That’s an increase of 20–25% over the same period last year.

In the coming growing season, AFAC hopes to enlist more community gardeners and schools in this gardening effort, as well as to collect more leftover produce from vendors at Arlington farmers’ markets and from the Mid-Atlantic Gleaning Network (MAGNET).

To help in obtaining more produce for Arlington’s needy families or to obtain free seeds for an individual or community Plant A Row plot, call Puwen Lee at (703) 845-8486 or send an email to

Young Adult Ministry

The Young Adults (20s-30s-40s) meet on the first and third Sunday of the month for lunch. They gather in the Fellowship Hall after the 11:00 worship service and proceed to lunch from there.

The Young Adults also have a Bible Study that meets on the second and fourth Friday of the month in the Lounge. The group is studying the Gospel of John. Participants should bring their own dinner to enjoy during the first part of the session.

If you have any questions, please contact Cynthia at


This wonderful group is going on 30 years of fellowship at Faith!

“Xtra Years of Zest” is designed to provide Christian fellowship for the young at heart folks in their 50’s and there is no maximum age!

The XYZ (eXtra Years of Zest) group meets usually once, maybe twice a month throughout the year. Participants are mostly of the 50+ (but must be young at heart) group. They go to area restaurants, local orchards, plays, concerts, and even shopping! If you would like more information about the group, please contact Carolyn at 703-671-0312. She’ll be most happy to give you details about the group and events.

Women of Faith

As a community of women, created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to grow in faith, affirm our gifts, support one another in our callings, engage in ministry and action, and promote healing and wholeness in the church, the society, and the world.

“Our mission is to mobilize the women of the Metro DC Synod to act boldly on their faith in Jesus Christ”

Have you wondered how to get more involved in the work of the church? Do you have an interest in thoughtful and meaningful Bible study? Do you want to make friends, have fun, and make a difference? Then consider becoming a part of the Women of the ELCA today!

The Women of the ELCA is an organization of Lutheran women from around the country who have joined together for worship, Bible study, fellowship, and service. In the Metro DC Synod, hundreds of women from more than two dozen churches belong to the Synodical Women’s Organization (SWO) and are engaged in a wide variety of activities and missions within their own church and the wider community. Here at Faith, we have two units who gather once a month at church or in member’s homes. Lydia Circle meets in the evening on the second Monday of the month, while Naomi Ruth meets during the day on the second Thursday. Both groups welcome visitors and new members at any time! See the Faith Focus and monthly Key for details.

The national WELCA organization offers women a wide variety of resources to help women grow in faith, including the award-winning Lutheran Women Today magazine and CAFÉ (an e-magazine), educational and devotional materials, conventions, workshops, retreats, and travel opportunities. Gifts and Thankofferings from church units help to support Lutheran World Relief, other local and national charities, and grants/scholarships for worthy recipients.

President: Paulette (703-273-8380)
Vice President: Dorothy (703-979-3730)
Secretary: Virginia (703-534-5710)
Treasurer: Erna (703-527-0358)

Women of the ELCA is the women’s ministry organization and a church-wide program unit of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. An estimated 500,000 women of all ages in more than 7,500 congregations and special units participate in Women of the ELCAs local, church-wide and global ministries. For more information about the Women of the ELCA, see their website at

Men of Faith

The MEN OF FAITH is a group of Faith Lutheran Church men who gather for food, fellowship, dialogue and prayer the fourth (usually) Saturday of each month in the Fellowship Hall. They share a hearty breakfast, a scripture reading and discussion, and, occasionally, a guest speaker or a conversation on a timely and appropriate issue.

If you have any questions, please contact Carl at 703-527-0358 or

Fabric Crafters and Quilters

Faith Fabric Crafters return on Wednesday, September 9 to create more Quilts for Lutheran World Relief. We also will also assemble lap robes and comfort pillows for the National
Lutheran Home, Hospice of Northern Virginia, Virginia Hospital center and Culpepper Gardens.

Join Us

Faith’s women who tie quilts and comforters meet on Tuesday mornings at 10 a.m. in the craft room of the church.  We accept donations of filler for use in many of our projects.

All women interested in helping with these projects are invited to bring a sandwich on Tuesday at 10 a.m.  Join these women and support many good causes and enjoy fellowship over lunch.  Helpers are always needed.  For additional information, please contact Dorothy Bartholomew at 703-979-3730.

Donate Fabric

The Fabric Crafters and Quilters are always looking for more gently used sheets and blankets. These are used for their efforts that go to Culpepper Gardens, National Lutheran Home, and Lutheran World Relief. You can assist them in this effort by bringing your sheets and blankets that you no longer use but are in good condition to the craft room. There is a bench outside if they are not in, where you can leave these much needed items. The ladies (and the recipients of their efforts) thank you in advance for helping to make their ministry a success.  These items may be left by the Craft Room door in the Undercroft. Thank you.

If you have any questions, or would like more information about the Fabric Crafters, please don’t hesitate to contact Jeannette at

Dining Out Fellowship

The Dining Out Fellowship is a group of people who meet at a local restaurant and dine together.  Each person or couple is responsible for their own meal and drinks and the “host” rotates within the group.  It is the host’s decision where to eat for that month and it is also their responsibility to make the actual reservations for the group.

For more information, contact Adriana at 703-536-5914.

Comfort Shawls

In 2008, Faith started a “Prayer Shawl” or “Comfort Shawl” Ministry. Several ladies met to discuss how to make shawls for those who are sick, grieving, or in need of some comfort. Pastor Bill now gives these shawls to show people that God loves them and comforts them.

While some ladies might take on this ministry (in part) as an opportunity to buy yarn, some simply take the yarn that is donated to create wonderful expressions of love. If you have too much yarn, or are simply cleaning out that yarn stash, please consider bringing it to the church—marked “Comfort Shawl Ministry” and leave it by the Jackson Street area of the Fellowship Hall. If you have any questions about the Comfort Shawl Ministry, please contact Carrie Beyer at or 703-837-9789.

Coffee Fellowship

Coffee fellowship at Faith Lutheran Church is an opportunity to catch up with friends between services.

Currently, we’re looking for volunteers to join fellowship teams on Sundays. One team prepares the coffee and refreshments ahead of the Sunday services. A second team cleans up after the 11 a.m. worship. Serving on the coffee fellowship teams is a way to meet other members at Faith between the services as well as to develop relationships with fellow team members. If you’re interested in serving this important ministry, please contact one of the coffee team captains, Sandra Yeaman, Paulette Sandene, or Dan Lounberg. You should be able to find one of them during the fellowship time between services on any Sunday.

Date Set Up Clean Up
August 1, 2010 Yeaman* Sandene*
August 8, 2010 Landry* Sandene*
August 15, 2010 Burggraf* Hoffman
August 22, 2010 Yeaman* Nelson
August 29, 2010 Lowe* Loundberg
September 5, 2010 Kane
September 12, 2010 Landry* Sandene
September 19, 2010 Burggraf* Hoffman
September 26, 2010 Lowe* Nelson
October 3, 2010 Farnsworth* Lounberg
October 10, 2010 Burggraf* Kane
October 17, 2010 Landry* Sandene
October 24, 2010 Yeaman* Hoffman
October 31, 2010 Lowe* Nelson
November 7, 2010
November 14, 2010
November 21, 2010
November 28, 2010


Van Ministry

Get Me To The Church On Time … Faith Lutheran Church has a special ministry that provides a van to pick up members who can no longer drive themselves to church.  The route is simple, mostly on and around Pershing Drive, and takes about 20 to 30 minutes.  The van is really no more than a large car, so driving it is easy.   If you think you might be interested, come along one Sunday with the assigned driver and see how it works.

Right now there are 10 drivers in the van ministry.  If we had 13, it would mean each driver would be assigned only one Sunday per quarter (there are 13 Sundays in a quarter year).  The schedule is published monthly, and you can become a part of one of the most rewarding and meaningful ministries at Faith Lutheran Church.  Please contact Carl at 703-527-0358 or email for more information or to volunteer.